Rabbi Jacob Bellinsky Sounds the Alarm as Jeremy Hales and His Echo Chamber Normalize Hate Speech

By Rick LaRivière and Richard Luthmann

The Jeremy Hales YouTube Scandal is based on the content creator’s refusal to denounce anti-Semitic rhetoric. Hales’ conduct has sparked backlash, with critics accusing him and his close allies, Matthew Lewis (@ThatUmbrellaGuy or TUG) and Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter), of fostering a toxic online community that normalizes hate speech.

The Rabbi, a follower of the Lubavitcher Rebbe‘s teachings, didn’t mince words when condemning Hales’ behavior.
Rabbi Bellinsky Calls Out Anti-Semitic Rhetoric
“As a Rabbi and follower of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s teachings, I feel compelled to address the troubling behaviors and rhetoric that have come to light in Jeremy Hales’ lawsuit against his neighbors and his treatment of Attorney Bruce Matzkin,” Rabbi Bellinsky stated.

“The use of anti-Semitic tropes and the deliberate choice to refer to Mr. Matzkin as ‘Deuce’ during official court proceedings—an apparent reference to the slur ‘Deuce Foreskin’—along with mocking references to ‘big nose’ represents more than mere insults. These echo historical patterns of dehumanization that have no place in our modern society.”

Bellinsky further highlighted how these prejudices are being weaponized on social media, spreading hate speech and normalizing anti-Semitism for a new generation.
“What particularly concerns me is how Mr. Hales appears to be weaponizing these prejudices within the context of legal proceedings and social media content. When such behavior is broadcast to hundreds of thousands of YouTube followers through content creation, it risks normalizing anti-Semitism for a new generation,” he said.

Despite the Jeremy Hales YouTube Scandal and growing calls for accountability, Hales has refused to address or apologize for his comments. Instead, his attorney, Randy Shochet, who is himself Jewish, has attempted to dismiss the allegations.
Critics argue that this response is as offensive as claiming one cannot be racist because they have a “Black friend.”
Megan Fox & TUG’s Role in the “Echo Chamber”
While Hales remains silent, his YouTube allies, Megan Fox and Matthew Lewis (@ThatUmbrellaGuy or TUG), have defended Hales and attacked those criticizing his behavior.

Luthmann, an investigative journalist, condemned their actions, stating that Megan Fox, once a respected reporter, had abandoned journalistic integrity in favor of “cult-like” loyalty to Hales.

Fox and TUG and Fox’s attempts to downplay or ignore the Jeremy Hales YouTube Scandal and his comments align with their broader pattern of promoting disturbing ideologies. According to Luthmann, both have espoused views that echo dangerous eugenicist rhetoric.

Luthmann said Hales, TUG, and Fox are “compassion-devoid misery merchants” who will “do anything and say anything for views.”
“They are very sad people,” Luthmann said.
Luthmann’s Connection to Jewish Communities
Although Luthmann is not Jewish, he has a deeply personal reason for speaking out. During a difficult period, he found guidance in the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe and support from Rabbi Spritzer, who helped him through his darkest times.
“In my darkest time in life, at a point where I had lost all hope, I was saved by a simple message from Rabbi Spritzer and the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe,” Luthmann said. “Their wisdom helped me shed my wickedness, heal as a human being, and find compassion and meaning in my life.”
Luthmann’s personal experiences have fueled his outrage at Hales, TUG, and Fox’s conduct, leading him to challenge their rhetoric publicly. He even quoted the Hebrew Scriptures in an email to them:
I make a simple offer. And it’s not so much of an offer as a plea to your humanity. Please, Jeremy, Matthew, Megan, and your group – put the Anti-Semitism to rest. Put the charged language to rest and all the rhetoric that smacks of “eugenics” and “tide pods” and “dead children” born to “stupid parents,” and of denigration, dehumanization, and hatred. These are the mile markers on a road that leads only to one place…
I will forgive your transgressions to this point. But if you persist in your hate, even after a reasoned warning there will be earthly and spiritual consequences.
If you continue to disrespect my Jewish brothers and sisters, then there will be no forgiveness. G-d made me strong and put me on this earth with gifts so I could help, protect, and defend those who are less fortunate and more vulnerable. Please take this olive branch as one of peace and learning.
But if you smack away this overage, if you continue in your wickedness, I give you fair warning, you will have made an enemy of me, because the poison of wickedness and Anti-Semitism must be stemmed at its root.
“Like a muddied spring or a polluted fountain is a righteous man who gives way before the wicked.” Proverbs 25:26.
I can forgive your past mistakes. But I will stand for no further wickedness.
“I cannot stand by while these people use their platforms to spew hate and poison minds,” he said. “They were warned.”
Hales’ Legal Strategy: A Smokescreen?
Hales’ deposition transcript reveals an individual who deflects and evades direct questions about his inflammatory statements. When pressed about using “Deuce Foreskin,” he refused to provide a clear answer, instead relying on his attorney to run interference.

Attorney Bruce Matzkin, the target of Hales’ remarks, responded directly: “Jeremy Hales’ refusal to even acknowledge his comments are offensive speaks volumes. If he’s not anti-Semitic, why won’t he say so?”
The deposition also exposed a series of contradictions in Hales’ statements, including his repeated inability to answer simple questions. Critics argue that his behavior resembles someone trying to hide behind anti-Semitism instead of facing the consequences of his words.
The Dangerous ‘I Have a Jewish Lawyer’ Defense
Hales and his supporters have attempted to use his attorney’s Jewish identity as a shield against accusations of anti-Semitism. This defense has been widely condemned as both tone-deaf and offensive.

Luthmann called the entire Shochet relationship bizarre and dangerous.
“The Times of Israel had a series about people like Attorney Shochet. I believe they are called ‘SELF-HATING JEWS,” Luthmann said.
“Mr. Hales’ behavior during his deposition, particularly his defiant anti-Semitic language even after being asked to stop, demonstrates how such prejudice can be deliberately wielded as a tool of harassment,” Rabbi Bellinsky said. “His attorney’s refusal to intervene, despite professional courtesy requests, further shows how antisemitism can be tacitly enabled by those who clearly should know better.”
Luthmann says the Hales “Echo Chamber” not only defends Hales’ racism but enhances the effect of the bias and the harm caused by the Jeremy Hales YouTube Scandal.
“This is like saying, ‘I have a Black friend, so it’s okay to use the N-word,’” Luthmann said. “It’s a pathetic excuse and an insult to everyone who actually cares about fighting bigotry.”
Final Warning: Rabbi Bellinsky’s Call to Action
Despite the controversy, Rabbi Bellinsky hopes this moment will be a turning point for education and awareness.
“Even those who engage in such behavior have the capacity for growth and positive change,” he said. “But that requires acknowledging the harm they’ve caused and making a commitment to do better.”
He concluded with a call to action: “Platforms that host this content must consider their role in amplifying these harmful messages. The antidote to darkness is light—not more darkness. Through education, understanding, and unwavering commitment to our principles, we can create a society where such behavior is unacceptable and unthinkable.”
As the controversy continues, one thing is clear: Hales, TUG, and Fox can no longer ignore the accusations against them. The question remains: Will they take responsibility, or will they continue to spread hate?
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