Media Bias Trump Assassination: The Mainstream Media’s Disgraceful Attempted Trump Assassination Coverage and the Inevitable Political Fallout
By Richard Luthmann
The recent attempt on Donald Trump’s life at a Pennsylvania rally exposes the Left’s dangerous rhetoric and the media’s bias. Can America survive this onslaught?
With blood on their hands, the Left and the mainstream media tried to reframe the deadly shooting that they aided and abetted as: Can America seize this opportunity for reconciliation? Hours after the assassination attempt, their de facto leader, Barack Hussein Obama, tweeted: “There is absolutely no place for political violence in our democracy.”

Obama continues to be the “Divider in Chief” who seeks to “fundamentally transform America.” Funded by George Soros and the Left’s global elites and protected by mainstream media, only Donald Trump and MAGA patriots can do wrong.
In reality, the Left is an existential threat to our Republic. Their dangerous rhetoric is a cancer we must immediately excise. Whether by scalpel or sword, the instrument is the same: TRUTH. The facts speak for themselves.
The Media’s Disgraceful Assassination Attempt Coverage: Media Bias Trump Assassination

The mainstream media’s handling of the assassination attempt on Trump has been nothing short of disgraceful. CNN initially downplayed the event, reporting Trump “falling at a rally.”

The Washington Post referred to it as a “Trump Rally Shooting,” avoiding the term “assassination attempt.” This vagueness is deliberate, minimizing the attack’s severity and shifting focus from its political implications.

Here are some examples of biased and dishonest coverage:
- CNN’s Initial Headline: Described Trump as merely “falling” at the rally, downplaying the severity of the attack.
- Washington Post’s Terminology: Referred to the event as a “Trump Rally Shooting,” avoiding the precise term “assassination attempt.”
- New York Times’ Headline: Questioned Trump’s “Narrative of Persecution,” implying that his concerns about being targeted were overblown.
- Lack of Immediate Correction: CNN took hours to change its headline, showing reluctance to report the incident accurately.
- Vague Descriptions: Many outlets used vague descriptions like “incident” or “shooting” without specifying that Trump was the intended target.
- Ignoring Warnings: Some reports ignored that bystanders warned law enforcement about the shooter, highlighting an inadequately investigated security failure.
- Minimization of Threat: Reports often minimized the actual threat level, contributing to a perception that the event was less significant than it was.
- General Avoidance of the Term “Assassination Attempt”: Many media outlets avoided using the term “assassination attempt,” which would accurately describe the event and its political implications.
- Selective Reporting: The media focused more on the potential impact for gun control rather than addressing the political motivations behind the attack.
- Omitting Historical Context: The media failed to provide historical context on how leftist rhetoric has previously led to violence, thus underplaying the significance of the assassination attempt.
- Inadequate Follow-Up: There has been a lack of follow-up reporting on the investigation into the attack, leaving many questions about security lapses unanswered.
- MSNBC’s Joy Reid: Regularly likened Trump to Hitler, suggesting that extreme actions against him are justified.
- General Bias: Consistent bias in favor of minimizing threats against conservative figures, contrasting with heightened coverage of threats against liberal figures.
This is not the first time the Leftist media has downplayed violence against conservatives. The 2017 shooting of Rep. Steve Scalise by a Bernie Sanders supporter is a stark example.

When left-leaning figures are threatened, the Leftist media is quick to denounce the violence and assign blame. Still, this standard is not applied equally when conservative figures are targeted. This brazen betrayal of journalistic integrity should leave anyone feeling disillusioned.

The Leftist media has long painted Trump and his supporters as threats to democracy, fueling an environment where violence against them seems justified. Leftist media sources equate Trump’s rhetoric with that of his opponents, failing to recognize the asymmetry in the incitement to violence.
Perhaps most importantly, the mainstream media has not held accountable those who incite violence against Trump and his supporters, often giving a platform to those who spread hateful rhetoric. Such biased reporting not only misinforms the public but also deepens national divides.
The Left’s Dangerous Rhetoric Normalizing Violence
Since 2016, Leftist celebrities and entertainers have normalized the idea of violence against Trump. This rhetoric has created a dangerous atmosphere where political violence seems acceptable.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of the demonization of President Trump and MAGA Patriots:
- Robert De Niro: Publicly fantasized about punching Trump in the face, stating, “I’d like to punch him in the face.”
- Kathy Griffin: Posed with a fake decapitated head resembling Trump in a widely condemned photoshoot.
- Marilyn Manson: Released a music video depicting a Trump-like figure being decapitated.
- Snoop Dogg: Released a music video showing a clown dressed as Trump being shot with a toy gun.
- Shakespeare in the Park: Staged a production of Julius Caesar with a Trump-like character being assassinated.
- Mickey Rourke: Threatened to beat Trump with a baseball bat in a video.
- Anthony Bourdain: Fantasized about poisoning Trump, saying he would serve him hemlock.
- George Lopez: Joked about assassinating Trump for a bounty, stating he would “do it for half.”
- Pearl Jam: Featured artwork of Trump’s dead body being eaten by a vulture during a concert.
- Madonna: Declared she had thought “an awful lot about blowing up the White House” during a speech at the Women’s March.
- Moby: Suggested blowing up the White House in his song lyrics.
- Rosie O’Donnell: Shared an animated video of Trump falling off a cliff.
- Johnny Depp: Asked, “When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?” referring to Trump.
- Big Sean: In a freestyle rap, he threatened to kill Trump.
- DNC Mega-Donor Reid Hoffman: Stated he wished he had made Trump an “actual martyr.”
- Joy Behar (The View): Compared Trump to Dictators, arguing that his behavior and rhetoric are reminiscent of dictators seeking to undermine democratic institutions.
- Joe Scarborough (MSNBC): Labeled Trump as a Fascist, suggesting that his tactics and policies are designed to erode democratic principles and consolidate power in an authoritarian manner.
- Joy Reid (MSNBC): Frequently compares Trump to Hitler, saying, “Trump is like Hitler in his early days.”
- Rachel Maddow (MSNBC): Consistently portrays Trump as a dictator, likening his tactics to those of totalitarian regimes.
- The New Republic Cover: Published a cover depicting Trump as Hitler, reinforcing the idea that he is a fascist threat.
- Larry Wilmore: Joked about suffocating Trump, saying, “I’d like to suffocate Trump with my afro.”
President Joe Biden has not helped. In a call to donors, Biden said, “It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”

Such statements from the nation’s leader exacerbate tensions. The Left blamed Sarah Palin for using bullseye imagery on a map, suggesting it incited violence, yet Biden used similar imagery against Trump without consequence.

The Left’s portrayal of Trump as an existential threat to democracy has dangerous consequences. If ad nauseam, commentators like Joy Behar, Joe Scarborough, and Joy Reid scream about Trump as a Fascist dictator, or Rachel Maddow bloviates about studying Hitler to understand Trump, the message sinks in with the snowflakes that a mass murderer is about to take power. These individuals hold themselves out as journalists. However, their dishonesty propelled the narrative and false atmosphere. This gave rise to July 13th and the death and maiming of innocent Patriots. It’s a straight line.
The Left has blood on their hands, and they are unapologetic.
The Path Forward is Vigilance, Not Reconciliation
The Left says reconciliation requires a collective effort to tone down the rhetoric and engage in honest dialogue. However, it is questionable whether reconciliation is preferable or even possible. The Left has consistently shown that they are the perpetrators of extreme rhetoric and violence. Their calls for reconciliation often serve as a cover for their plans to manipulate and control the political landscape.

The Left’s rhetorical strategy for the 2024 election is clear and has only two verticals: “Abortion on Demand” and “Trump is Hitler.” Both ideological points are losers, and their leaders know it.
Republicans are poised to capture 30-50 House seats and several key Senate seats, forming a cushioned and almost veto-proof majority. After the assassination attempt, the Left has no path to political victory through Joe Biden’s “Battle Box.” They will continue to demonize, lie, and incite violence. The mainstream media will aid and abet them. Their real plan is to cheat on Election Day, attempting to steal the 2024 election as they did in 2020.
The Secret Service’s failure to protect President Trump at the rally is inexcusable. But Democrats’ attempts to strip Trump of Secret Service protection, such as Rep. Bennie Thompson’s bill, are more nefarious. Such actions only embolden potential attackers by making it easier to target Trump, which is the Left’s apparent modus operandi.
What the Left will never admit is that the failed assassination attempt on President Trump is further proof that God exists. President Trump and America’s destiny are protected by forces greater than our comprehension. This moment calls for introspection and action.
Media Bias Trump Assassination: A Clear Choice
The choice is clear: Either Americans excise the cancer of Leftist rhetoric and media bias or face the prospect of a full-scale global war. The failed assassination attempt on President Trump shows that God’s Hand protects him and America. The only question is whether Leftist Elites like George Soros will choose peace over personal profit from societal chaos. Secretly, they revel in the disorder and destruction of the 2020 “George Floyd” “ANTIFA” riots. They desire their swift return to cities and towns across the nation, just in time to distract from the integrity of the November election and roll in their doctored voting machines.
In times of crisis, Americans must stand united and demand the Truth. The future of our Republic depends on it.
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