YouTuber’s baseless lawsuit targets Ray Bonecrusher, Attorney Bruce Matzkin, and others who call out his anti-Semitism
By Richard Luthmann
Jeremy Hales, the YouTuber behind What The Hales, is using the U.S. federal court for the Northern District of Florida as a personal weapon.

In his latest desperate move, Hales has filed a frivolous lawsuit against Ray Bonecrusher, attorney Bruce Matzkin, and other critics who have publicly challenged his lies, bullying, and blatant anti-Semitism.

On The Unknown Podcast, co-hosts Michael Volpe and Richard Luthmann sat down with Bonecrusher to dissect Hales’ ridiculous legal tactics, his deep-seated narcissism, and his long history of harassment.

The big question remains: How long will the U.S. federal court for the Northern District of Florida tolerate Hales’ antics before imposing monetary and other sanctions?
Jeremy Hales’ Frivolous Lawsuit: A Narcissist’s Legal Addiction

Hales, known for using his YouTube platform to grift money from his followers, has long been accused of bullying and intimidation. His latest legal action is a scattershot attempt to muzzle those who expose him.
“This guy is a straight-up legal bully,” Volpe said. “He sues anyone who exposes him, instead of addressing the facts. It’s a transparent attempt to silence his critics.”
Bonecrusher, a retired military veteran, is among Hales’ latest targets. The YouTuber has no idea who Bonecrusher is in real life, listing him in the lawsuit as a “John Doe.”
“You’re suing someone when you don’t even know their name?” Bonecrusher said. “That tells you everything you need to know about how frivolous this case is.”
Luthmann, a legal journalist and former attorney, agreed.
“This is Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP) territory,” Luthmann said. “It’s designed to intimidate, not to seek justice. If the courts take this seriously, they should hit Hales and his clown lawyer, Randy Shochet, with sanctions immediately.”
Hales’ Anti-Semitism: The ‘Deuce Foreskin’ Scandal
The lawsuit follows Hales’ refusal to apologize for using the anti-Semitic slur “Deuce Foreskin” to refer to Jewish attorney Bruce Matzkin. Despite being called out by multiple Jewish leaders, including Rabbi Jacob Bellinsky and the Jewish advocacy group Betar, Hales continues to double down.
“Jeremy Hales hates Jews,” Volpe said bluntly. “He calls a Jewish lawyer ‘Deuce Foreskin’ and then tries to pretend it’s not anti-Semitic? Come on.”
Bonecrusher, who is a born-again Christian, said Hales’ attacks on Matzkin show a deep disregard for religious history.
“With Hales’ so-called knowledge of scripture, he should know better,” Bonecrusher said. “Jews have been persecuted for centuries over the practice of circumcision. Using that as an insult is a direct attack on Jewish identity.”
Jeremy Hales Hates Jews: Rabbi Speaks Out on YouTuber’s Anti-Semitism
Rabbi Bellinsky has condemned Hales, calling his words part of a “long-standing pattern of dehumanization.”
“Hales’ rhetoric is dangerous,” Bellinsky said. “When someone refuses to acknowledge harm and instead digs in deeper, it shows intent. He is deliberately pushing anti-Semitic tropes.”
Despite this, Hales refuses to disavow his comments.
“If you’re not an anti-Semite, just say so,” Luthmann said. “The fact that Hales won’t say, ‘I don’t hate Jews,’ tells you everything.”
Jeremy Hales’ Frivolous Lawsuit: Randy Shochet the Clown Lawyer
If Hales is a megalomaniac, his lawyer, Randy Shochet, is the enabler.
Shochet, who was kicked out of the dental profession before becoming an attorney, has filed what Luthmann called “one of the most legally incompetent lawsuits I’ve ever seen.”
“This is a disgrace,” Luthmann said. “You learn in Law School 101 that in a defamation claim, you have to cite the exact false and defamatory statements. Shochet just copy-pasted nonsense for 57 pages.”
Bonecrusher agreed.
“This case is a joke,” he said. “Hales is trying to act like he’s the victim, but he’s the one making anti-Semitic statements and bullying people online.”
Volpe pointed out the absurdity of the case.
“Hales has 730,000 YouTube followers. Ray has 8,500. Lisa has 3,000. And he’s arguing that these tiny YouTubers are somehow destroying his reputation? What a joke.”
Shochet’s legal skills—or lack thereof—have been widely mocked.
“I would take a toddler as my lawyer before I’d take Randy Shochet,” Luthmann said. “That kid could probably finger-paint a better legal argument.”
Hales’ YouTube Echo Chamber: Megan Fox and Shara the Sycophants
Instead of apologizing or even addressing the allegations, Hales has relied on a small, rabid group of YouTube enablers—including disgraced journalist Megan Fox and the manipulative Shara Jessica Wolf—to spin his narrative.
“These people have sold their souls,” Volpe said. “Fox used to be a serious journalist. Now, she’s just a Hales cultist.”
Bonecrusher said that Fox and Shara’s behavior is eerily similar to what cult followers do.
“They parrot whatever Hales says,” he said. “They don’t think for themselves. If they ever leave the group, Hales will go after them too.”
Volpe noted that Hales’ followers have even turned on each other when pressured.
“Hales is running this like a mob operation,” Volpe said. “You’re either with him 100%, or he’ll come after you next.”
Jeremy Hales’ Frivolous Lawsuit: Will the Federal Court Sanction Hales and Shochet?
The key question now is whether the federal court will tolerate Hales’ legal harassment or impose sanctions.
Luthmann believes the case is so weak that the judge could penalize both Hales and Shochet under Rule 11, which punishes attorneys for filing frivolous claims.
“If the court has any integrity, they’ll hit them with sanctions,” Luthmann said. “This is a blatant abuse of the legal system.”
Bonecrusher, who has faced years of online attacks from Hales and his cronies, remains undeterred.
“I’m not backing down,” he said. “Hales is a bully. The only way to deal with a bully is to punch him in the nose.”
Final Verdict: Jeremy Hales Is a Coward
At the end of the day, the lawsuit isn’t about justice—it’s about silencing critics. But as Bonecrusher, Volpe, and Luthmann made clear, Hales’ bullying tactics won’t work.
“This guy is a punk,” Luthmann said. “He’s a grifter, a bully, and an anti-Semite. And we’re not going anywhere.”
The only question left is whether the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida will see through Hales’ lies—or if they’ll let this clown show continue.
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