Brian Kolfage

Institutional Homicide: War Hero Tortured in Prison by Biden-Harris DOJ

Triple-amputee veteran Brian Kolfage medical neglect in prison is causing terrible suffering. His health is rapidly deteriorating, and calls for compassionate release grow louder.

“They activated their deep-state machinery and sent their secret police to arrest Brian Kolfage. This veteran and activist should be celebrated, but instead, our ruling elites are persecuting him.” – Congressman Paul Gosar
Brian Kolfage medical neglect
Brian Kolfage with his son. / Rainforth Photography

By Richard Luthmann

Air Force veteran and triple-amputee Brian Kolfage is dying a slow death inside a federal prison. Kolfage, once celebrated for his service in Iraq, now finds himself at the mercy of the Bureau of Prisons (BOP), denied the critical medical care he desperately needs.

This once proud patriot, who founded “We Build the Wall” to privately construct a border wall in Texas and New Mexico, is now being subjected to what some call “institutional homicide”—a politically motivated campaign of neglect and abuse spearheaded by Southern District of New York (SDNY) Democrat Party operatives.

These operatives, part of the same faction targeting President Donald Trump, have all but ensured Kolfage’s death by subjecting him to the draconian medical practices inside federal prisons.

“They’ve ruined my body,” Kolfage wrote in a recent message from his cell. “I came in here healthy. Now I’m pre-diabetic, my blood pressure is sky-high, my liver is inflamed, and my cholesterol is out of control. They are killing me.”

A Hero Targeted

Brian Kolfage medical neglect
Brian Kolfage / Rainforth Photography

Kolfage, a war hero who lost both legs and his right hand in Iraq, was sentenced to 51 months in federal prison for what many see as a trumped-up charge. The SDNY claimed he improperly received payment for his work with “We Build the Wall,” despite his salary being approved.

His co-defendant, Stephen K. Bannon, was pardoned by President Trump for the same charges.

But Kolfage, who helped raise millions to fund a private section of the U.S.-Mexico border wall, was left to the mercy of the Democrats. They charged him, humiliated him, and are now killing him through neglect.

“Fifteen federal law enforcement officers dragged me out of my house without my wheelchair,” Kolfage said. “They made me crawl in front of my family. No one cared that I was disabled. They just wanted to make me suffer.”

A Broken Body, A Broken System

The conditions inside the federal medical center in Rochester, Minnesota, where Kolfage is held, are shocking. The prison has no experience in dealing with a triple-amputee like Kolfage. He is forced to urinate in a plastic jug and defecate in a makeshift pan because the prison’s facilities are unsafe for his condition.

“I haven’t had a proper shower in over a year,” Kolfage revealed. “I use baby wipes because they don’t have accessible showers.”

The medical neglect doesn’t stop there. Kolfage has developed severe pain due to the improper use of his remaining arm. His hand is deteriorating, and he now faces the possibility of losing his last limb.

“They’ve destroyed my hand,” Kolfage said. “If my tendons rupture, my hand will never work again. This is outrageous!”

Despite the BOP doctor’s recommendations, Kolfage is still stuck in the wrong wheelchair, which causes him excruciating sciatic nerve pain every day. “The pain feels like when I lost my limbs in Iraq,” he wrote. “The Mayo Clinic told them what I need, but the prison said they didn’t have the funds.”

The neglect is pushing Kolfage closer to death. “The doctor said I’m at high risk for a heart attack,” Kolfage warned. “This is 100% on them. They are way out of their league, and my health is deteriorating.”

The Fight for Justice

Kolfage’s plight hasn’t gone unnoticed. Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar has been one of the few in Washington fighting for Kolfage’s freedom. In 2022, Gosar gave an impassioned speech on the House floor, calling Kolfage’s imprisonment a travesty of justice.

“Brian Kolfage lost three limbs defending our country,” Gosar said. “He should be celebrated as a hero. Instead, he’s rotting in a federal prison for a crime he didn’t commit. This is how the government repays its war heroes—by persecuting them.”

Gosar has continued to push for Kolfage’s release, calling his imprisonment part of the Democrats’ broader war on Trump supporters.

“They activated their deep-state machinery and sent their secret police to arrest Kolfage,” Gosar said. “This veteran and activist should be celebrated, but instead, our ruling elites are persecuting him.”

Political Persecution or Justice?

Steve Bannon and Brian Kolfage / Rainforth Photography

Many argue that Kolfage’s arrest and conviction are part of a broader effort by the Democratic Party to target Trump allies. The SDNY, which brought the charges against Kolfage, is known for its aggressive tactics and its alignment with anti-Trump forces. Stephen K. Bannon, Kolfage’s co-defendant, was charged in New York state after Trump’s pardon—another political hit job orchestrated by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

However, the most glaring injustice is Kolfage’s ongoing medical neglect. The Bureau of Prisons continues to refuse him proper care, and his pleas for help fall on deaf ears. He’s not even allowed to use his Veterans Affairs (VA) insurance to get the specialized wheelchair and treatment he needs.

We contacted James C. Wills, the Assistant Director of the Office of General Counsel (OGC), and the Bureau of Prisons’ General Counsel for answers. We received no response as of press time. Here is our inquiry:

From: Richard Luthmann <[email protected]>
Date: On Wednesday, October 16th, 2024 at 2:18 PM
Subject: Press Inquiry Regarding the Treatment and Release Options for Brian Kolfage (Register Number 26978-017)
To: [email protected] <[email protected]>

Dear Mr. Wills,

I am an investigative journalist and I am reaching out to inquire about the current medical care and legal options being considered for Brian Kolfage (Register Number 26978-017), a triple-amputee veteran who is currently incarcerated in the federal facility in Rochester, Minnesota. Given Mr. Kolfage’s significant medical needs and deteriorating health, we are seeking information on his treatment and the BOP’s application of compassionate release or home confinement provisions in his case.

Specifically, we would appreciate your responses to the following questions:

  1. Medical Treatment:
    • What steps have been taken by the Bureau of Prisons to ensure Mr. Kolfage’s medical needs as a triple-amputee are adequately met?
    • Has Mr. Kolfage received the specialized medical equipment recommended by external doctors, such as the wheelchair suggested by the Mayo Clinic? If not, why has this not been provided?
    • What measures are in place to address Mr. Kolfage’s claims of high risk for a heart attack, high blood pressure, and pre-diabetes? Has a detailed care plan been implemented to manage these conditions?
    • Given Mr. Kolfage’s complaints regarding pain management and lack of accessible facilities, how is the BOP ensuring that he receives appropriate care?
  2. Compassionate Release:
    • Has the BOP filed or considered filing a motion for compassionate release for Mr. Kolfage based on his medical conditions and deteriorating health?
    • Does Mr. Kolfage’s condition qualify as “extraordinary or compelling circumstances” under the First Step Act, which allows for release based on medical grounds?
    • If compassionate release has been denied, what were the reasons for the denial, and have all administrative options, including appeals, been exhausted?
    • Can you confirm whether Mr. Kolfage’s family or legal representatives have been able to assist in submitting requests for compassionate release?
  3. Home Confinement:
    • Has Mr. Kolfage been evaluated for home confinement under the provisions of the First Step Act?
    • Given Mr. Kolfage’s status as a veteran with severe disabilities, what factors have been considered in determining his eligibility for home confinement?
    • Has the BOP considered waiving the statutory minimum time under 18 U.S.C. § 3624 to allow for Mr. Kolfage’s transfer to home confinement to allow him to receive proper care at home?
  4. Disparate Treatment:
    • Is there any indication that Mr. Kolfage is being treated differently than other similarly situated prisoners due to his political affiliations, particularly his association with Steve Bannon and support for Donald Trump?
    • Has there been any communication or pressure from the Department of Justice or the Biden-Harris administration that may have influenced the BOP’s treatment of Mr. Kolfage or delayed his access to medical care or release options?
    • Are Mr. Kolfage’s claims of medical neglect being fully investigated by the BOP, and are they being handled with the same urgency as similar cases?
  5. General BOP Policies:
    • How is the BOP ensuring that all applicable Rules, Regulations, and Program Statements, including Program Statement 5050.50 on Compassionate Release and Program Statement 001-2019 on Home Confinement are being applied fairly and consistently, particularly in Mr. Kolfage’s case?
    • Could you provide an update on the status of any pending medical treatment requests, compassionate release evaluations, or home confinement assessments for Mr. Kolfage?

We would appreciate your prompt response as we intend to go to press.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.


Richard Luthmann
Writer, Journalist, and Commentator
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 Sun Bay Paper
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A Movement to Free Kolfage

Kolfage’s supporters have launched a campaign to free him from what they see as a politically motivated death sentence. The official Substack campaign, “FreeBrianKolfage,” is rallying supporters and pushing for action.

Those close to Kolfage organize protests and rallies similar to those held for Marine combat vet Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, who was released from a Mexican prison after public outcry.

For now, Kolfage remains imprisoned, his health deteriorating by the day. His wife, Ashley, and their two children wait in agony, hoping that justice will prevail before it’s too late.

Vice Presient Kamala Harris

Brian Kolfage sacrificed his body for America. The question remains—will Biden-Harris’ America let him die for political gain?

To contact Brian Kolfage in prison, write to:
Federal Medical Center Rochester
Brian Kolfage 26978-017
PO Box 4000
Rochester MN. 55903

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