By Greg Maresca
With the election over and after serving 18 years in the Senate, did you happen to catch Pennsylvania’s incumbent Sen. Bob Casey’s impassioned concession speech?
You didn’t because there was none, as the three-term senator has yet to concede his election defeat. Even though the media, who remain locked, loaded, and bivouacked in the left’s camp, called the election for Dave McCormick two days after November 5’s vote, Casey remains steadfast at retaining his seat despite trailing by nearly 30,000 votes. He’s called for a Pennsylvania Senate Recount.

Throughout his nearly two-decade tenure in the Senate, Casey has been sighted less frequently than Punxsutawney Phil. The only time Casey’s shadow emerges is right before re-election – occurring once every six years. Ever since Casey’s senate election in 2006, he has served as an automatic Democrat legislative rubber stamp.
Casey is nothing like his father, Bob Casey, Sr. – a Blue Dog Democrat – a breed of politician that has gone the way of the dinosaur. Junior is a branded member of the leftist cartel – the perfect party apparatchik – that he no longer defends what he thinks or believes.
Lineage is important in choosing racehorses, but it is almost always the hallmark of subservience and mediocrity in politicians.
Realizing he was trailing McCormick in the polls, Junior did everything but sport a red MAGA hat as he moved toward Trump in a desperate attempt to rearrange the life jackets on the sinking campaign of the USS Casey.
Joseph Stalin’s longstanding credo of how “the people who cast the votes don’t decide an election, the people who count the vote do” once again echoes in real-time.
The longstanding tradition of voter fraud is nothing short of legendary in Democrat strongholds throughout Pennsylvania. The state is an electoral cesspool. This Pennsylvania Senate Recount promises to be no different.
Recall election night 2020 with Trump well ahead; the counting continued deep into the night until Biden won. Moreover, Sen. John Fetterman was elected to the Senate after participating in a debate after suffering a stroke in which he sounded less cogent than Joe Biden. Still unconvinced, while covering the 1992 presidential election from the Columbia County courthouse, I was informed with a wink and a nod that long before the polls open, democrats always commence with a 500-vote lead.
Then there are all those ceaseless batches of “provisional mail-in ballots” from cemeteries across the state. How many of these provisional ballots were counted and multiplied in 2020 without regard for following the proper voter eligibility and mail-ballot procedures?
Then there is Uncle Ferd’s greatest fear – not necessarily dying but voting Democrat in perpetuity.
It makes one look back fondly on the halcyon days of hanging chads.
Democrat lawyer Marc Elias said on X that the senate election is far from over. Elias is the democrat election fixer par excellence. When an election can’t be rigged in advance, Elias swoops in after the fact to work his electoral magic. This is the Democrat paradigm for how democracy works. In 2008, thanks to an empathetic judge, previously rejected ballots were counted, and an election was stolen in Minnesota for Democrat Al Franken. Elias is a partisan ambulance chaser who should have been disbarred decades ago.
At last count, Casey was winning the provisional ballots 54%-46%.
Provided that margin prevails, Casey cannot win.

By not conceding, Casey is a bona fide denizen of the Democrat machine, and like an unwelcomed relative, he refuses to leave. It’s ironic how not conceding is only a “threat to democracy” when Republicans do it.
Rules of civil conduct are irrelevant for leftists as the ends always justify the means.
According to the Pennsylvania Department of State, Casey received 48.5% of the vote with 3,350,972 votes, and McCormick had 48.93% with 3,380,310. With totals within a 0.5% margin, a recount will cost Pennsylvania taxpayers more than $1 million. Counties must begin the recount by Nov. 20 and finish by Nov. 26.
Casey could spare the costs of a recount, but that is not the way of the Democrat. McCormick did precisely that after it was clear that any Pennsylvania Senate Recount would be frivolous after his 2022 GOP senate primary election against Mehmet Oz. According to The Wall Street Journal, McCormick trailed in that race by 972 votes.
Recounts rarely change the initial outcome.
And it won’t change this one.
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