From energy independence to securing the border, Santa’s got a big job.

By Greg Maresca
It must be part of our human nature to make lists. David Letterman, Casey Kasem, and Dick Clark had theirs. Any internet search engine rings up millions of lists’ queries.
The one list I never wanted to get on was Mom’s. Another list many want no part of is the “Honey Do-List.” This infamous and itemized daily directive keeps countless men employed or returning to the workforce even though many are past their expiration date.
Probably the most famous and earliest list we are introduced to is the endearing Christmas List. A list that has little to do with the birth of Jesus Christ. Rather, it is a ubiquitous specified inventory that crosses all cultural lines, including politics.
Over the last four years, the Biden administration’s Christmas stocking rates have been nothing but a mountain of coal. Considering the cost of energy, coal is not a bad thing. The Biden administration failed miserably at exploring alternative sources of energy and its independence.

President-elect Donald Trump will take office next month, and with Christmas upon us and many desiring a serious change of course – a Christmas wish list is in order. Trump’s Christmas Wishlist could begin with changing Biden’s energy failure and follow up with the rest below.
Trump’s Christmas Wishlist
- Trump won Pennsylvania by pledging to end the Biden administration’s war on natural gas. Trump understands we have only scratched the surface of natural gas production with vast reserves of affordable and abundant energy waiting to be tapped.
- Eliminate the Department of Education and return God, ethics, and citizenship back into our classrooms starting in kindergarten.
- Drastically curtail the cancerous bloat of federal regulatory agencies.
- Eliminate the IRS and pass legislation for a collective flat tax: If 10% is good enough for God, it is good enough for Uncle Sam.
- Purge the military of woke sycophants — particularly at our military academies.
- Secure the border by cutting the flow of illegal immigrants, drugs, and human trafficking while undertaking a complete rewrite of the immigration code that also puts to an end birthright citizenship.
- Clean up the Department of Justice with justice rather than revenge.
- Stop government funding of Nationalist People’s Radio (NPR) and, for that matter, public television.
- Eliminate ruinous Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) throughout America’s universities, corporations and government.
- Increase manufacturing jobs.
- End funding to Planned Parenthood.
- Ensure tolerance is a two-way street.
- Pass legislation that protects women’s athletics by getting men out of women’s sports.
- End tech tyrants’ censoring of free speech.
- Invest in infrastructure improvement to include broadband internet everywhere.
- The ghoulish Mengele disciples haunting our medical profession must be barred from mutilating children in the name of reality-denying “transgender” ideology.
- End the war in Ukraine because even with my federal withholding, I still owe Ukraine $5000.00.
- Revoke the funding of worthless international organizations – anything with “World” blazoned upon it.
- Root out the extensive partisanship that allowed FEMA personnel to bypass damaged homes with Trump signs. Eliminate government funding of non-government agencies (NGOs) like the $640 million that FEMA awarded that helped illegals cross the border rather than allocating relief to Americans suffering from hurricanes. On second thought, eliminate FEMA…
With an improving economy and falling energy prices, the 2026 midterm election may not reflect the usual rebound by the minority party. However, if Democrats win the House back in 2026, expect impeachments and harassment to return.
Democrats (and some Republicans) and their bureaucratic allies will do everything to maintain their swampy fiefdom.
The hope for a smaller government is not a policy or a strategy.
Hope never is.
Rather, hope is potential that has yet to be fulfilled. Trying to put the genie back in the bottle will be a Herculean task. Even with a Republican Congress, there is much to do in two years, but this undertaking will validate to a watching world just how exceptional America truly is.
Peace, productivity, fiscal responsibility, national security, and morality under natural law should always be the American agenda – no exceptions or substitutes.
To quote British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to another Republican President George W. Bush, “This is no time to go wobbly.”
Here’s hoping Thatcher’s timeless message takes root, and Trump’s Christmas Wishlist sees its fair share of accomplishment.
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