Undecided Voters 2024 Election

The Undecided: The Voters That Could Swing the 2024 Election

NOTE: Greg penned this piece a couple of weeks ago. I was looking for a good time to deploy it. I realized that for “The Undecided” voters, many focused on policy and substance, the most decisive battleground may very well be this week’s upcoming Vice Presidential debate.

The stakes of the vice presidential debate between J.D. Vance and Tim Walz are unusually high. The contest is tight. There are limited direct confrontations between Trump and Harris. And even if there were, what can the marginal voter glean from Bluster v. Word Salad?

With fewer opportunities for voters to see the candidates in action, Vance and Walz’s debate will more significantly influence the election than any Vice Presidential Debate in modern memory. (Maybe the NBC moderators will ask Tim Walz to spell P-O-T-A-T-O.)

Many undecided voters are still unfamiliar with Harris and the vice presidential candidates. This debate might be the last major unscripted event before Election Day, making it pivotal for swaying undecided voters in a race where every vote could matter.

If the NBC moderators do a good job, the questions should reveal the most pressing issue of our time, as Greg has identified. What is America’s direction: Capitalism or Socialism?

By Greg Maresca

At least three percent of American presidential voters are “undecided.”  In a tight race, provided the polls are accurate, such a modest percentage (158 million voted in 2020) translates to 4.7 million Americans remaining fence-sitters. It could be the difference in November’s election.

Undecided Voters 2024 Election

Even Pope Francis is undecided, or is he? The pontiff’s take on America’s presidential race was concise, saying, “Both are against life: the one that throws out migrants and the one that kills children.” Francis advised American Catholics to “choose the lesser evil.”

How anyone who is paying attention has yet to make up their mind is astounding. Conceivably, the undecided is more indecisive than anything, yet subconsciously, they don’t realize it.

Perhaps the most potent of political questions that transcends every presidential election needs to be asked repeatedly:

Are you better or worse off than four years ago?

A concise examination is revealing and all too obvious.

As Vice President, Kamala Harris was appointed to “stem immigration across the U.S./Mexico border” and permitted the wave of nearly eight million illegal and unvetted immigrants. The results continue to flood our schools, hospitals, charities, courts, and housing, with an annual price of half a trillion dollars. The influx of illegals is dangerous and calculated as Democrats add to their constituencies, knowing no illegal will bite the hand that feeds and enables them, while seniors have had to exhaust their savings or find employment to make ends meet.

American foreign policy has been a fiasco starting with the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal that cost 13 American lives while leaving billions in armaments to America’s enemies. When given a choice of supporting the police during the BLM riots, Harris balked. The Keystone pipeline was shelved, and energy expenses skyrocketed, fueling historic record inflation that saw insurance, utility, and grocery prices skyrocket.

Harris won’t come clean on her real priorities, which amount to the redistribution of wealth by taxing unrealized capital gains and establishing price controls. In contrast, you pay for others’ college tuition and Medicare for all – including illegals.

One Harris proposal is a $25,000 down payment on a mortgage courtesy of Uncle Sam that has nothing to do with buying a house; rather, it’s about buying votes.

Undecided Voters 2024 Election

Harris will continue with the same economic and energy policies that brought about the highest inflation rate in decades while identity politics continue to run amuck, infesting every institution and level of government. Harris may prove to be more disastrous than Biden, pleasing America’s enemies.

What has been totally dismissed during this campaign is how the trustees from the Social Security Administration have been ringing the bell that the SSI trust fund will become insolvent in 2033, while Medicare’s insolvency will follow three years later in 2036.

Those infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome, which is actually the hatred of conservatives, have caused them to lose objectivity. While the left nonstop compares Donald Trump to Hitler, is it any surprise that attempts on his life continue? Yet, it is the left that continues to assure Americans that the real threat is not the side doing the shooting.

Many will vote for Harris only because of their contempt for Trump, which is a zero on the deductive reasoning scale. Recently at a stoplight, I was behind a Sheetz gas tanker with an advertisement saying: “I don’t have to think. The app knows my usual.” This is precisely what the left desires in its electorate – no need to think.

If he wins, Trump will serve only four years. And for whatever reason(s) you loathe him, his policies successfully grew the economy and kept the nation secure.

Undecided Voters 2024 Election

Undecided Voters 2024 Election, they must choose between someone who changes as the moment dictates or someone who speaks the inconvenient truth, and has endured two impeachments, four federal prosecutions, and survived two assassination attempts. One at least loves the country, flaws and all. The other is a disciple of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals.”

Steering this ship of state that has lost its rudder takes leadership, not a figurehead and definitely not a puppet. Elections have consequences, and we certainly get the leaders we deserve.

The direction couldn’t be any more opposed: Capitalism or Socialism.

Still undecided?

Then perhaps you need to sit this one out.

One response to “The Undecided: The Voters That Could Swing the 2024 Election”

  1. […] 2024 presidential election campaign has identified border control and immigration policies as priority voter concerns. The open border chaos we have been experiencing flies in the face of […]

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