Trump's Justice League 2024

Trump Unleashes the Icons: RFK Jr., Hogan, Musk Join the Fray

By Richard Luthmann

According to Luthmann:

  • Trump’s Justice League 2024 of high-profile endorsers forms for his 2024 campaign, including RFK Jr., Elon Musk, and Tulsi Gabbard.
  • RFK Jr.’s endorsement is seen as a strategic coup, especially in key swing states where his influence will be significant.
  • Trump’s team, including Don Jr. and Roger Stone, masterminded the plan to effectively leverage RFK Jr.’s endorsement.
  • The podcast emphasizes that Trump’s coalition of icons, including Hulk Hogan, gives him a powerful edge against Kamala Harris.
  • The Democrat Party is the party of War, Censorship, and Racism, with Harris as its emblem.
  • Trump’s team will end the Ukraine war and reform agencies like the FDA, CDC, and USDA with RFK Jr.’s help.

In the third episode of “The Unknown Podcast,” Michael Volpe and Richard Luthmann delve into the current political landscape. They focus on the strategic endorsements and alliances that former President Donald Trump is assembling ahead of the 2024 election.

Trump's Justice League 2024

This segment, primarily centered on Trump’s political maneuvers, paints a picture of a powerful coalition that Luthmann compares to a modern-day “Justice League,” featuring figures like RFK Jr., Elon Musk, and Tulsi Gabbard. Luthmann argues that these figures bring significant influence and credibility to Trump’s campaign. With the help of these figures, Trump is positioning himself not just as a candidate but as the leader of a movement that seeks to reshape America.

Volpe points out the Harris-Walz campaign has its own assemblage prepared.

Overall, Luthmann portrays Trump as a master strategist who assembled a powerful, diverse team to take on the Democratic Party.

Trump's Justice League 2024

Luthmann opens the discussion by emphasizing Trump’s ability to “out-Trump the entire DNC” through RFK Jr,’s endorsement. This move is part of a broader strategy to collect “icons” representing American Greatness.

“What Trump has done,” Luthmann asserts, “is he’s forming his own quote-unquote Justice League.”

Trump's Justice League 2024

He highlights the symbolic power of the Kennedy name, particularly within the context of Trump’s base. They chant “USA, USA, USA” at his rallies for Trump. They were doing the same for Bobby. Luthmann suggests that the Kennedy brand, synonymous with American political legacy, adds a unique and potent element to Trump’s campaign.

The conversation shifts to the other key figures in Trump’s Justice League 2024, such as Elon Musk and Tulsi Gabbard. Luthmann describes Musk as a potential architect of a new government efficiency department. Gabbard is lauded for her straightforwardness and integrity.

Trump's Justice League 2024

“Of anybody in this group, [Gabbard] has the most credibility because she calls how it is,” Luthmann states.

He further argues that this assemblage of high-profile endorsers cannot be ignored. Their combined momentum could prove “insurmountable” for the Democratic Party and its media allies.

Volpe acknowledges the opposition. He notes that Vice President Kamala Harris also has her own list of celebrity supporters and backing from within her party. However, he points out that RFK Jr. was polling at around 5%, which could swing one or 2% of the vote towards Trump in a tight race.

Luthmann quickly counters, arguing that this figure is misleading because RFK Jr. was polling much higher in key swing states. He mentions that RFK Jr. performed exceptionally well in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Nevada, where his influence could be crucial.

“The Kennedy bump is going to be YUGE,” Luthmann predicts, especially in these battleground states.

Roger Stone is a Great American and perhaps our nation’s most prolific Political Strategist – EVER.

The discussion then turns to the strategic genius behind RFK Jr.’s endorsement, which Luthmann attributes to Donald Trump Jr. and Roger Stone. He reveals that their plan involved RFK Jr. staying on the ballot in deep blue and deep red states while avoiding swing states. This plan minimizes the risks to Trump’s campaign.

“It’s a brilliant political move,” Luthmann says, calling it a “political coup” that positions Trump even more advantageously against Harris.

Volpe challenges this by mentioning Harris’s support from approximately 200 former Bush, McCain, and Romney staffers. He suggests that this might balance out the impact of RFK Jr.’s endorsement.

Luthmann dismisses these figures, like George W. Bush, as “neocons” who are “bought and sold” and deeply entrenched in the War Machine. Trump has effectively dismantled this wing of the Republican Party. He argues that the Democratic Party, under Harris, has become the party of War, Censorship, and Racism, contradicting its own stated values.

As the conversation concludes, Luthmann and Volpe agree that Trump’s coalition, with RFK Jr. and others at the forefront, represents a formidable challenge to the Democrats. They emphasize the importance of issues like reining in the FDA, CDC, and USDA and ensuring a clean environment. These topics resonate with many Americans across the political spectrum.

“Make sure we have something to hand to our children,” Luthmann asserts, capturing the broader appeal of Trump’s message in this election cycle.

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